Phoenix Elite Title & Escrow


Purchasing a property can be a daunting task. Every step of the way, from finding the ideal house to filling out a mortgage application, appears to be a significant, if not the largest, investment a person will ever make. Selecting a reputable title and escrow company to assist sealing the deal is important to their client’s experience.

In the Phoenix metro area, for example, there are numerous Title and Escrow Companies, but are they all the same? No. Certain aspects of a title company can make the difference between a smooth closing and a complete nightmare, making the task of selecting one a real ordeal.

The initial task for their title company is to thoroughly analyze public data, make inquiries, and conduct all essential investigations pertaining to the real estate. The title firm is able to alert all interested parties of any issue that may be deemed a concern and could ultimately affect ownership or the buyer’s investment through these steps.

A good title company should offer title insurance to protect the buyer against any undisclosed or unknown issues that develop during the real estate transaction. Title insurance is required and highly recommended, as even the most exhaustive title check cannot completely ensure that no issues will arise in the future.

Another critical function that a title company must be capable of doing is acting as the transaction’s closing agent. This requires them to offer precise information about the transaction’s expected closing expenses, acquire all required signatures on closing paperwork, receive and distribute payments, and record any essential documents, such as deeds and mortgages.

Finally, but certainly not least, a title business must operate as escrow officers throughout real estate transactions. This means they operate as a middleman in the transaction, retaining the transaction’s documentation and funds and releasing them only after certain requirements are met.

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